
               author = "Alves, Maria da Gl{\'o}ria",
                title = "Utiliza{\c{c}}{\~a}o de t{\'e}cnicas de sensoriamento remoto em 
                         trabalho geol{\'o}gico de semidetalhe na regi{\~a}o do 
                         Quadril{\'a}tero Ferr{\'{\i}}fero MG",
               school = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
                 year = "1987",
              address = "Sao Jose dos Campos",
                month = "1986-11-26",
             keywords = "geologia, Quadril{\'a}tero Ferr{\'{\i}}fero (MG), Greenstone 
                         Belt Rio das Velhas (MG), Minas Gerais (estado), fotografia 
                         a{\'e}rea, mapeamento geol{\'o}gico, mapeador tem{\'a}tico 
                         (LANDSAT), mineralogia, petrologia, fotointerpreta{\c{c}}{\~a}o, 
                         sat{\'e}lites LANDSAT, ferro, ouro, mangan{\^e}s, geology, 
                         geological mapping, photointerpretation, thematic mappers 
                         (LANDSAT), mineralogy, petrology, aerial photography, remote 
                         sensing, gold.",
             abstract = "Este trabalho aplicou t{\'e}cnicas de 
                         fotointerpreta{\c{c}}{\~a}o para o mapeamento geol{\'o}gico 
                         estrutural, regional e de semidetalhe, na por{\c{c}}{\~a}o leste 
                         do Quadril{\'a}tero Ferr{\'{\i}}fero (MG). A regi{\~a}o 
                         apresenta, al{\'e}m de interesse geocient{\'{\i}}fico, 
                         import{\^a}ncia geoecon{\^o}mica, devido {\`a}s 
                         ocorr{\^e}ncias de min{\'e}rio de ferro, ouro e mangan{\^e}s, 
                         entre outros. Os produtos de sensores remotos utilizados foram 
                         fotografias a{\'e}reas infravermelhas em falsa cor e coloridas 
                         normais da miss{\~a}o 96, imagens TM 3,4,5,7 e fita 
                         magn{\'e}tica de dados LANDSAT. A metodologia utilizada 
                         fundamenta-se em uma sequ{\^e}ncia de etapas em que s{\~a}o 
                         analisadas as propriedades textuais das formas de relevo e 
                         drenagem. Como resultado obtiveram-se mapas 
                         geol{\'o}gico-estruturais na escala de 1:100.000 e de 1:50.000. O 
                         emprego das imagens TM/LANDSAT na escala de 1:100.000 permitiu 
                         individualizar a maioria das unidades geol{\'o}gicas e facilitou 
                         o reconhecimento de seu comportamento estrutural regional. A 
                         utiliza{\c{c}}{\~a}o das fotografias a{\'e}reas adicionou 
                         informa{\c{c}}{\~o}es a interpreta{\c{c}}{\~a}o visual obtida 
                         com as imagens TM, pois foram diferenciadas e delimitadas mais 
                         subunidades. A an{\'a}lise digital foi um recurso adicional, que 
                         complementou a interpreta{\c{c}}{\~a}o visual. Atrav{\'e}s da 
                         an{\'a}lise dos produtos utilizados e dados de campo 
                         espec{\'{\i}}ficos, foi poss{\'{\i}}vel obter a 
                         individualiza{\c{c}}{\~a}o do Complexo 
                         Migmatito-Granul{\'{\i}}tico de MG, as continua{\c{c}}{\~o}es 
                         orientais do {"}Greenstone Belt{"} Rio das Velhas, relitos de 
                         eros{\~a}o dos Supergrupos Minas e Espinha{\c{c}}o, 
                         metamagmatitos e magmatitos ultram{\'a}ficos e bas{\'a}lticos e 
                         dep{\'o}sitos aluvionares. ABSTRACT: This work applied 
                         photointerpretation technique, by using multiple scale products, 
                         for geologic-structural, regional and semidetailed mapping in the 
                         east part of Quadril{\'a}tero Ferr{\'{\i}}fero (MG). The region 
                         presents geoscientific interest and geoeconomic importance due to 
                         the occurrence of iron ore, gold and manganese, among others. The 
                         products of remote sensors used, owing to their adequacy for the 
                         objectives of the work, were: normal color and infrared 
                         false-color aerial photographs of Mission 96; TM imagery (orbital) 
                         in bands 3,4,5,7; and magnetic tape with data from LANDSAT. The 
                         methodoly used is based on a sequency of steps that show the logic 
                         and systematics under which the textural properties of relief and 
                         drainage features are analysed. As a result, geologic-structural 
                         mays were drawn on the scale of 1:100,000 (based on TM imagery 
                         information) and 1:50,000 (based on aerial photographs). The use 
                         of TM/LANDSAT imagery on the scale of 1:100,000 allowed the 
                         individualization of most of geological units and made their 
                         regional structural behavior recognition easier. The use of aerial 
                         photographs added information to the visual interpretation 
                         obtained with TM imagery, since more subunits were differentiated 
                         and delimitated with this product in the Espinha{\c{c}}o, Minas, 
                         Rio das Velhas Supergroups and Migmatitic - Granulitic complex of 
                         MG than with the TM imagery. The digital analysis was an 
                         additional mean that pointed out some geological features and 
                         completed the visual interpretation made with the visual 
                         interpretation made with the original TM imagery. Trough the 
                         analysis of the products used an specific field data, it was 
                         possible to reach the indidualization of the Magmatitic-Granulitic 
                         Complex of MG, the eastern continuations of Rio das Velhas 
                         {"}Greenstone Belt{"}, erosin relicts in Minas and 
                         Espinha{\c{c}}o Supergroups, ultramafic and basaltic 
                         {"}metamagmatitos{"} and {"}magmatitos{"} and alluvion deposits.",
            committee = "Chiang, Liu Chan (presidente) and Schorscher, Johann Hans Daniel 
                         (orientador) and Cunha, Roberto Pereira da (orientador) and 
                         Sadowski, Georg Robert and Mattos, Ju{\'e}rcio Tavares de",
           copyholder = "SID/SCD",
         englishtitle = "Utilization of remote sensing techniques in geological and 
                         semidetailed work in the Quadrilatero Ferrifero region, MG",
                label = "5",
             language = "pt",
                pages = "124",
                  ibi = "6qtX3pFwXQZ3r59YD6/GNrcc",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/6qtX3pFwXQZ3r59YD6/GNrcc",
        urlaccessdate = "04 maio 2024"
